24. 05. 2013.

IceWM - Startup commands

To tell your IceWM what commands should it run on startup, you have to edit (or create) startup file in ~/.icewm folder. On how to do that, see previous post.

It should actually be a BASH script, so in the first line, it has to have #!/bin/bash. Then you just put each command you want in the new line, followed by the & (except the last command).
I know it is not much understandable, but see this example:

tilda &
sleep 1
numlockx &
sleep 1
xscreensaver &
sleep 2
checkgmail &
sleep 1
feh --bg-scale ~/.icewm/wallpaper.jpg &
sleep 1
setxkbmap -option grp:lwin_toggle hr,ru\(phonetic\) &
sleep 1
syndaemon -i 1 -d -t

This script tells IceWM to:
1. run Tilda (drop-down terminal)
2. wait one second
3. run NumLockX (turns on NumLock)
4. wait one second
5. run XScreenSaver (screen saver and power manager tool)
6. wait two second
7. run CheckGMail (GMail notifier)
8. wait one second
9. make Feh set a wallpaper.jpg image in ~/.icewm folder as a wallpaper (scaled)
10. wait one second
11. enable Croatian and Russian (phonetic) as a keyboard layouts and make left Win key switcher between them
12. wait one second
13. disable touchpad tapping and scrolling for one second after the last key is pressed via SynDaemon

For another example, if you wish only Skype and Dropbox to be started with the WM, your script should look like this:
dropbox start -i &

Now that you have your script, you have to make it executable in order to work. You can do that by entering in terminal:
chmod +x ~/.icewm/startup

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