24. 05. 2013.

IceWM - Keyboard shortcuts

You have to edit (or create) a file called keys in ~/.icewm folder.

You can do that by entering in terminal:
vim ~/.icewm/keys

You have to add a line for a keyboard shortcut in that file. Press key "i" on your keyboard to insert text.
Syntax is this: key "combination of keys" command.
For example:
key "Alt+F2" gmrun
key "Alt+w" leafpad
key "Alt+x" xterm
key "Alt+f" iceweasel
key "Alt+a" pcmanfm
key "Alt+c" chromium
key "Alt+s" skype
key "XF86AudioLowerVolume" amixer set Master 5%-
key "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" amixer set Master 5%+
key "XF86AudioMute" amixer set Master 0
key "XF86AudioPlay" mocp -G
key "XF86AudioStop" mocp -s
key "XF86AudioNext" mocp -f
key "XF86AudioPrev" mocp -r
key "Alt+Ctrl+l" xtrlock
key "Alt+Ctrl+p" xterm -e sudo pm-suspend
key "Alt+Ctrl+r" killall -SIGHUP icewm
key "Print" scrot

After adding all lines you want (you can, of course, change that file anytime later) press "esc" key on your keyboard and write :wq to save and exit from Vim editor.

Alternatively, you can create that file with any text editor (e.g. Leafpad), or write echo 'line with above syntax' >> ~/.icewm/keys, for example:

echo 'key "Alt+F2" gmrun' >>  ~/.icewm/keys

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